Links - European College of Sport Science


Founded in 1995 in Nice, France the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) is a sport scientific society dedicated to the collection, generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge at the European level.

Objective & Purpose

The European College of Sport Science (ECSS) is the leading association of sport scientists at the European level and maintains extensive co-operations with corresponding non-European associations. The purpose of the ECSS is the promotion of science and research, with special attention to sport science across Europe and beyond. Its topics include the motivation, attitudes, values and responses, adaptation, performance and health aspects of people engaged in physical activity and the relation of physical activity and lifestyle to health, prevention and aging. These topics are investigated on an interdisciplinary basis.


The ECSS is a non-profit organisation. It supports European institutions, such as the European Union and the Council of Europe, by offering scientific advice and assistance for coordinated European and worldwide research projects defined by these bodies. In addition it serves as the most important European network of sport scientists from all relevant subdisciplines.

Association Articles

The ECSS articles of association contain the ECSS Charter and the ECSS By-laws. Articles of association record such information as the college's name, its registered seat and the number of members of the ECSS Boards. - Rzeszow University

THE UNIVERSITY OF RZESZOW was established in 2001 through the merger of the Pedagogical University of Rzeszow, the Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Lublin, Rzeszów branch and the Economics Faculty of the Agricultural Academy of Cracow.
The University of Rzeszów successfully continues the policy of these Institutions, but on wider range, with new facilities and courses. University's international cooperation is very fruitful with educational Institutions both from West and East Europe. The University of Rzeszów participates in the ERASMUS and CEEPUS Programmes and Foundations of Alexander Humboldt, DAAD, NATO. - Department of Phisical Education - Idokan Poland Association

Far Eastern martial arts are the main focus of our association as far as academic and practical actions are concern. Our association is very active in many fields. We make not only academic researches but also teach old, traditional martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, appropriate use of weapon and effective self-defence. We also offer a wide range of sport trainings and workshops concerning the complete system of martial arts and the philosophy of wisdom of the warrior. The genuine budo tradition is expressed by the pure spirit of sport; it is a way to achieve moral perfection and strengthen ones character. We entourage you to acquaint with our activities and invite to cooperation. - Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

"Ido Mov Culture. J Martial Arts Anthrop" is an international peer reviewed journal. It is a periodical published by the Scientific Research Committee of Idokan Poland Association (Komisja Badań Naukowych, Stowarzyszenie Idokan Polska), in coope­ration with other institutions, in Rzeszów and under the auspices of the IMACSSS and IASK. - Japanese Academy of Budo - Martial arts science books in the Library of the Rzeszow University - Institute of Martial Arts and Sciences